M14 Assembly Guide – Table of Contents
Forward………….vii Preface…………ix 1 The Purpose of this Book……..1 2 General Considerations………3 3 Disassembly…………………….5 Before You Start……….5 Basic Field Strip…………5 Detail Strip of Receiver Group………..9 Operating Rod Spring Guide and Operating Rod Spring……………..9 Connector Lock Removal (Optional, not Recommended)…………….9 Operating Rod Removal……………….11 Bolt Removal……….19 Rear Sight Disassembly……………19 Handguard Removal……23 Flash Suppressor Group Disassembly……………………25 Front Sight Removal………25 Flash Suppressor Removal………25 Gas Cylinder Group Disassembly……..29 Gas Cylinder Disassembly…………………………………31 Operating Rod Guide Removal……………………………………..33 Bolt Disassembly…………………………………….35 Barrel Removal………………………………………..37 Barrel Removal: Conclusion…………….40 Disassembling the Trigger Group………………………….44 Magazine Catch……51 Detail Stripping the Stock Assembly………………………53 Buttplate Removal……………………………..53 Stock Ferrule Removal……………………….55 Stock Liner Removal…………………………….55 4 Assembly………………………59 Before You Start……59 Receivers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly…………………………….59 Receiver Firing…
M14 Complete Owner’s Guide – Table of Contents
Contents CHAPTER 1: READ ME FIRST!…..1 FULL CIRCLE……….1 FULL DISCLOSURE………….1 GROUND RULES and a PET PEEVE……..3 WE WERE NOT ALONE…………..3 CHAPTER 2: A BRIEF HISTORY of the M14……5 PROLOGUE…………5 Imagine It’s December 7, 1941………5 The Genesis of the M14……………….5 Cartridge Development Outside the USA…………..9 Cartridge Development in the USA………..…………11 US Rifle Development………..……….11 From the T20 to the T44 and the M14…….………..13 M14 Design Heritage Summary……….…..17 T44 and M14 Production History………..…..19 Full-Auto Follies………………….19 Changes During Production……….….23 Mel Johnson on the AR-15 versus M14 (GUNS Magazine March 1963)…….24 The Riflemen Leave the Building……….27 “SLAM” Marshall, Hitchman, Hall and Vietnam……..……..29 The M14 Falls Short……………….29 The M14 Hangs On……….…..31 A New War, a New…
The Saga of TRW M14NM S/N 1453711 (Part 3 of 3)
What’s so interesting about a specific M14 rifle that we are writing about it here? The simple answer is that this is the only true M14 rifle that can be transferred on Form 4473 as an ordinary semiautomatic rifle. But wait! Aren’t all true M14 rifles machine guns because of the lug on the receiver for the full auto parts and are therefore National Firearms Act (NFA) articles that require the full NFA transfer protocol of passport photo, fingerprint card, Form 6 completion, a $200 transfer stamp, and a wait of up to a year or more? Yes, they are…well, except this TRW. So, what makes this M14 so special?…
My M14 (Part 2 of 3)
Martial Arms collectors have a fertile field of historic artifacts to pursue. Martial arms are a unique collectable that allows a person to own an artifact “that was there”. Not many collectors have the means to own a F4U Corsair, No private citizen owns a battleship, but a martial arm is well within the means of a dedicated collector. I own a Charleville Musket that might have been at Yorktown and used in storming Redoubt #10. I have a Civil War Merrill Carbine identified to a trooper in the 8th Indiana Cavalry. My M1 Garand might have been at Elsenborn ridge during the Bulge when we stopped Stepp Detrich’s Panzers…
My First M14/M1A (Part 1 of 3)
I’ve had a lifelong interest in history in general and US military history in particular. A Spring 1983 visit to Springfield Armory National Historic Site heightened my interest in US military firearms. Two of the rifles I wanted to own were an M1 Garand and a Springfield Armory Inc. M1A, the civilian version of the M14. In February 1984 Springfield was offering dealer direct a service grade M1A with upgraded National Match (NM) barrel and a NM type walnut stock that was heavier than the service grade stock and without the selector cutout. I ordered my first M1A. At that time little did I know that this was the rifle…
Seeing Double: Duplicate Serial Number – Springfield Armory and Winchester M1 Rifles
Most long time M1 rifle collectors know that duplicate World War II serial number Springfield and Winchester rifles exist. This was revealed in the July 1960 issue of American Rifleman magazine by a brief article that included a photograph of an SA and WRA rifle both with serial number 2445470. In 1987 I conducted a survey of serial numbers contributed by the Garand Collectors Association (GCA) membership, it revealed that several blocks of assigned serial numbers that were duplicated. This information was presented in my book “The M1 Garand: World War II” in Chapter 4, Production, Deliveries, and Serial Numbers. Newer collectors may not have been aware of this duplication,…