M14 Assembly Guide – Table of Contents
1 The Purpose of this Book……..1
2 General Considerations………3
3 Disassembly…………………….5
Before You Start……….5
Basic Field Strip…………5
Detail Strip of Receiver Group………..9
Operating Rod Spring Guide and Operating Rod Spring……………..9
Connector Lock Removal (Optional, not Recommended)…………….9
Operating Rod Removal……………….11
Bolt Removal……….19
Rear Sight Disassembly……………19
Handguard Removal……23
Flash Suppressor Group Disassembly……………………25
Front Sight Removal………25
Flash Suppressor Removal………25
Gas Cylinder Group Disassembly……..29
Gas Cylinder Disassembly…………………………………31
Operating Rod Guide Removal……………………………………..33
Bolt Disassembly…………………………………….35
Barrel Removal………………………………………..37
Barrel Removal: Conclusion…………….40
Disassembling the Trigger Group………………………….44
Magazine Catch……51
Detail Stripping the Stock Assembly………………………53
Buttplate Removal……………………………..53
Stock Ferrule Removal……………………….55
Stock Liner Removal…………………………….55
4 Assembly………………………59
Before You Start……59
Receivers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly…………………………….59
Receiver Firing Pin Bridge Check…………………………………….65
Receiver Rear Sight Area Check……………………………………65
Barrel Timing Check……………………………65
Operating Rod Fit Check……………..67
Fitting the Bolt to the Receiver: Qualifying…..69
Trigger Group Compatibility Check……..73
Receiver Face and Barrel Threads Check……73
Bolt Inspection………………………………75
Barrel Inspection………………79
Fitting the Bolt to the Receiver: Polytech/Norinco……….81
Fitting the Bolt to the Receiver: Bolt “Lapping”……85
Barrel Installation: Objectives and Considerations…….91
Barrel Timing…………………………91
Chamber Headspace…………….92
Headspace Calculations for Barrel Fitting………95
Barrel Timing and Headspace Dimension………95
Headspace Estimation………….95
Chamber Length and Headspace Dimensions……….97
Barrel Installation: Non-Chrome-Lined Barrel and Chamber……………102
Barrel Preparation……………………………………….102
Chamber Headspace Dimension Estimates…………………………102
Barrel Installation: Chrome-Lined Barrel and Chamber…………..105
Barrel Preparation………..105
Chamber Headspace Dimension Estimates………..105
Chamber Headspace Review and Summary…………..106
Barrel Preparation Before Tightening and Alignment………………….109
Install Op Rod Guide………..109
Install Front Band and Gas Cylinder Assembly………109
Install Flash Suppressor and Front Sight Assembly……..117
Barrel Installation: Final Tightening………..123
Installing the Operating Rod Guide and Operating Rod………129
Operating Rod Guide Alignment…………….135
Installing the Front Sight…..137
Installing the Handguard….137
Installing the Cartridge Clip Guide…..139
Installing the Rear Sight…..141
Assembling the Bolt….159
Receiver Group Assembly……167
Installing the Bolt…..167
Installing the Operating Rod……….169
Installing the Connector Lock………….171
Installing the Bolt Stop…………173
Installing the Operating Rod Spring Guide and Operating Rod Spring……..173
Trigger Group Assembly………177
Component Inspection…177
Assembling the Trigger Group……181
Don’t Think You’re Quite Done Yet!……………200
Safety Inspection: Function of the Safety…….200
Safety Inspection: Hammer Fall Test….200
Stock Group Assembly…………202
Component Inspection…………202
Assembling the Stock Group…….203
Final Assembly………208
Well, Actually, No We’re Not……….209
Appendix A: John Garand’s M14…209
Appendix B: National Match Trigger Adjustment….213
Appendix C: National Match Rear Sight Installation….224
Appendix D: Replica Selector Switch Installation..232
Appendix E: 21st Century M14s
Note 1: Mk 14 Mod 0 Sage Stock Installation…….236
Appendix F: 21st Century M14s
Note 2: Super Scout Rail Handguard Installation………240